Kerpen-Blatzheim, Germany July 27, 2015. “After a full year of preparation, discussions, and acceptance of an assumption contract, all is agreed. On August 1, the LAZARUS Group as charitable arm of the Humanitarian Grand Priory Europe is taking over the KiTa (children’s day-care centre) in the old schools. This will be the third KiTa that we have integrated into our Lazarus management group this year“, according to Dierk Sutter, business manager of jugend@lazarus.gGmbH.
After 18 years, the Association for the Development of the Private Kindergartens of Blatzheim e.V. has transferred control of the KiTa miniMUMM now to the Lazarus Group. The City Council of Kerpen approved the transfer last year. The Youth Authority was involved in the transfer process in an advisory capacity. The former name of the KiTa was “KiTa in the old school”. The former teaching staff was retained with no changes.
During the summer vacation time with the KiTa being closed, workers from LAZARUS applied a bright new coat of paint to the rooms. The landlord, the Erftland GmbH, refurnished the interior. And in the next weeks an additional improvement in quality will take place. Acoustics in the building will be improved by the landlord. This will drastically lower the noise level in the KiTa, which will be beneficial not only to the children, but also to the instructors.
Since the beginning of the year, the Chief of the KiTa, Monika Muhr, has been working with the quality control committee of the LAZARUS Group, which is determining the standards for instruction, development and supervision. “All KiTa teachers will be able to profit by this cooperative effort. Each one contributes different experiences and competence which we can transfer to other fields. In case of questions, we can mutually support each other. For us as a team, this is a special advantage”, stated Monika Muhr.
In Kerpen-Blatzheim, LAZARUS also desires to implement an inter-generative approach, which already exists in other Lazarus-KiTas. This means that for some time, it has been planned that seniors would occasionally be brought together with the KiTa children in order that both generations could profit from each other.
At present in the KiTa two groups of children over the age of three years are supervised. A few places are still available. Interested parties should contact Ms. Muhr at telephone number: +49 2275 912017.
LAZARUS Hilfswerk (LHW)
(Volunteers Organization of the Humanitarian Grand Priory Europe)